Armenian Street Party 2018: Balik Kampong 2.0
Armenian Street Party 2018: Balik Kampong 2.0
Singapore Heritage Festival
The Armenian Street Party was meant to wind down the Singapore Heritage Festival with a bang and celebrate the Peranakan Museum’s 10 anniversary.
The two day block street party paid homage to the traditions and the modern heritage of Singapore through a selection of local music, pasar malam with traditional food, and pop-ups from local businesses that are famed for their souvenirs inspired by local culture.
Aptly themed the Balik Kampong 2.0, kakis gathered along the car-free Armenian Street for comedy performances, slinky cheongsams, and throwback photobooths in Vespas and the backseat of a bus. Old-school games like jenga, hopscotch and giant pick-up sticks kept the little ones entertained and gave the older ones a little nostalgic kick.